Political ice-breaking

Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 03 February 2007 00:12.

This Times piece on the renaissance of the thinking Conservative right in Britain is instructive.  Perhaps.

Michael Gove, the Surrey Heath MP and housing spokesman for the Tories, is founding chairman of Policy Exchange and close to Mr Cameron. He said: “A precursor to electoral victory is victory in the battle of ideas and the battle for the agenda.”

... Most of the centre-right think-tanks are linked through a web of personal and professional connections, and many have close ties with the Conservative Party — although some fiercely defend their political independence.

They cover the entire range of issues, with Civitas — the Institute for the Study of Civil Society — wanting more family values, Reform campaigning for more market forces in public services, Open Europe opposing EU integration, the TaxPayers’ Alliance demanding lower taxes, Migrationwatch UK urging less immigration, Direct Democracy calling for more local decision making, and Policy Exchange, Mr Cameron’s favourite, establishing an agenda for compassionate Conservatism.

Research by The Times shows that five of the main new think-tanks — all formed since 2000 — are now quoted on average thirty times a week by national newspapers, three times more than two years ago.


From a second Promethean Sunic ...

Posted by Guest Blogger on Friday, 02 February 2007 18:45.


Oh, tell me the pale Moon

Where has the joyous beat of the heart gone?

In the veinless, bloodless, joyless machine,

Illusion of our time.

Like a sunless gothic cathedral among the skyscrapers,

Without its chime - lost in the yawning heights of time.

Divine heart, you have slept too long in your primeval grave,

Waiting for the thunder to wake you up in your deep sleep!

But all that clamour couldn’t move you

You were falling deeper in your dream.

Until in the darkest darkness of my human heart,

I dreamt of the mysterious sun-ray that has come to wake you up,

Before the delightful dawn of time –from the coldest depths of

Unknown Life; from forgotten timeless spheres,

As soft as the white flower petals in warm summer nights

Comes the unknown delight!

The lost feeling - the old Eros; reborn out of time immemorial,

Deeper and warmer than all those passionate fires of cold modernity.

by Xenia Sunic, wife of Tom and a Croatian poet dedicated to the Promethean spirit.  She lives and works in Zagreb.

Meet The Bowerys

Posted by James Bowery on Thursday, 01 February 2007 19:31.

Legally recognized as married January 30, my wife and I are pictured below:


You might wonder why I married this woman, other than her manifest beauty since beauty, especially these days, really may conceal a heart of darkness.  The reasons, in no particular order, have to do with:

  • Our shared heritage as pioneer Americans—she of Palatine German ancestry coming through Lancaster County, PA as did my Quaker ancestors.
  • Her recent escape from the abuse of women by the female-saturated ghetto New York City where she was in classical music for over a decade, which mirrors in some ways my escape from the abuse of men by the male-saturated ghetto of Silicon Valley, where I was in engineering for over a decade.
  • Her resulting first-hand knowledge of the hypocritical elites.  I could relay stories about what is required of women to advance their careers around NYC and what is done with them when no longer nubile but it would be redundant.  Suffice to say, she has what the naive think it takes to “make it anywhere” but definitely not what it takes to make it in “New York, New York” which is why she had what it took for me.
  • She wants to raise children with me so much she is willing to put up everything she has for egg donation and surrogacy.
  • She moved into the neighboring house where she maintained a vegetable garden thereby letting us get together naturally midst the kind of subsistence activities we both so respect.

We’ll have trouble given the destruction of my profession by immigration but this discarded engineer considers himself smiled upon by fate.


KMac VDAREs Again:  Pending Open Discussion of Jewish Foundation of the Immigration Disaster?

Posted by James Bowery on Thursday, 01 February 2007 15:03.

Over 3 years ago on VDARE, Kevin MacDonald convincingly labeled neoconservatism “Jewish”.  The long wait for KMac’s next VDARE is over.  This time he has hope for us:  The long suppression of open discussion of the Jewish foundation of the immigration disaster may soon dissipate.  I hope he is right but the problem with new openness about immigration is the fact that, just as they intended, Jews have complicated the politics of identity to the point that it may be difficult to openly discuss immigration as honestly as middle eastern policies.  KMac does, however, true to form, make a convincing case.

Cameron on being turned into another people

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 31 January 2007 01:31.

After much Hiltonian leaking yesterday Da’ud al-Khamouron, leader of the Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) Loyal Opposition, has spoken of his vision for our not very British future.  It surpasses the obvious to say that he really is not, not a Conservative.  He is a thorough-going Guardianista.

David Cameron has called on the people of Britain to resist extremism, and work flat out to tackle the ‘five barriers’ dividing society and blocking cohesion in the community

And these five pillars of Islamo-British disunity are:-

1. Extremism: Here the Tough-Love Kid gets to conflate Muslims who don’t like Western decadence with the BNP, who don’t like Islam.  I bet he enjoyed that poke at “the Far Right” (who simply never read the Guardian and wouldn’t know polenta from that Polish teagirl at the Reform).  Of course, David believes that there is a moderate centre hanging around out there, waiting to be fashioned out of Muslims who hanker after a bit of Western decadence and Brits who admire the noble, manly life of the Bedouin and often holiday in the Rub’ al Khali.  But does anyone who isn’t a liberal politician believe that?

2. Multiculturalism: David says:-

“multiculturalism has been manipulated to favour a divisive idea - the right to difference”

But that’s just not right.  Multiculturalism didn’t need to be manipulated.  It was simply never intended to produce a cohesive society.  Its supporters didn’t care if the end-result was a train-wreck.  The point was to destroy the cultural hegemony of the native English, Scots and Welsh.

David doesn’t see that stopping this process will necessarily provide native hegemony with a certain isostatic recovery.  That alone will make it more difficult, not less, for aliens to integrate.  Put another way, if multiculturalism required us natives to “celebrate diversity”, ending it will cause us to celebrate ourselves, won’t it?

3. Uncontrolled immigration: David says:-

“We can only live together if there is proper integration. You can’t have proper integration if people are coming into Britain at a faster rate than we can cope with”

But immigration in Britain has always been at a faster rate than we can cope with.  That’s why it was called mass immigration.  And, then, any genetically-distant mass immigration is by definition impossible to cope with.  That’s why it was called Commonwealth immigration, and why all those blacks and browns squeezed together in their own little - now quite big - corners of the country.  They did not want to integrate with us, and we did not want to integrate with them.  White flight mean anything to you, David?  Probably not part of your aristocratic experience.

4. Poverty: Well, the mean IQ of Pakistan is 81.  What can one expect?  But David, who cannot be unaware that his ideas have all been tested up to and beyond destruction in America, Holland or France, blithely asserts that:-

“the most effective way of beating poverty in the long run is to give people in deprived areas decent schools”

5. Poor educational standards: The mean IQ in Pakistan is 81.  What can one expect?

So much for the young hero’s prescription for a less British, more exotic life of colour-blind togetherness.  The “extremist” BNP, unwilling to consign us into the tender care of the muezzin, passes it’s judgement on Cameron here.  I suppose it won’t be long before we receive a reply from the extremist Muslims.

Moral superiority yes, but Jared Taylor’s, not the Canadian left’s

Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 30 January 2007 01:03.

This staggering National Post article by Canadian journalist Joseph Brean has already been given pride of place on today’s Amren page.  So, doubtless the first of a hundred or so outraged comments will shortly be appearing on the thread.  Desmond Jones sent me the link early today (very early, actually, Desmond), and I thought I would post it for the edification of those who do not frequent Jared Taylor’s place these days.

Brean’s treatment of Taylor is the most gratuitously snidey piece of work I have ever encountered, bar none.  There is not one substantive argument deployed against Taylor in it - only a catalogue of truly unpleasant little digs and twists of a fanatic’s knife.  Too many of them to recount here, too.  But, anyway, they really need to be read in context - which I urge you to do now, notwithstanding the length of the article (six pages).  If you get to the end of it without feeling that you have been kicked around by thieving beggars in some dog-turd dark Toronto alleyway you are a better man than I.

By way of a contrast, you can read the speech Taylor would have given in the Lord Nelson Hotel here had he been permitted to.  He effortlessly compiles the argument that Canada’s diversity is not a strength after all.  Canadian press reports make it for him actually, and very difficult to disagree with it is.  Certainly, Brean does not try.  One is forced to conclude that the non-existent case for multiculturalism and the vileness of Brean’s journalism are connected, the poverty of the one being neatly reflected in the indecency of the other.  The rest is barely controllable chagrin that the enemy carried the day precisely because the noisy morality the left so likes to ascribe to itself met - and was roundly defeated by - the real thing.

Taylor remains a class act.

So how you did mark Holocaust Memorial Day?

Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 29 January 2007 01:00.

Not with much, in my case.  I passed up the opportunity to read and inwardly digest all the usual fayre and the usual Blair.  But I did stop to read news of the latest victim of the Boer genocide: not an Afrikaner farmer this time but the well-known historian and hotelier David Rattray.

His killing is also reported by the Telegraph.  But it is the thread to that first link - the Mail on Sunday article - that caught my attention.  As a sample of opinion it is small.  But it contains the unmistakable melancholy of one who has had all his foolish illusions chased out of the door and the old, hard lessons hammered home at the highest of costs - loss of sovereignty, loss of homeland, loss of life:-

Unfortunately this is our way of life in South Africa now - the politicians are not concerned that over 2000 farmers have been murdered, nor does 20 to 30,000 murders a year phase them at all - Mbeki and our Police Commissioner Selebi have stated publicly that the situation is ‘nothing to fuss about’ and our Minister of Safety and Security has publicly stated that rather than whinge we should ‘leave the country’.

- R.Mcgregor, JHB, South Africa

Sadly his murder is one of many taking place here as violent crime in South Africa spirals out of control. We all live in fear of such attacks and yet President Mbeki stated last week that “crime is not out of control”.

- Jean Collen, Johannesburg, South Africa

This poor man is but one of hundreds who have been murdered in recent years in SA. It’s strange how it rarely comes to the attention if the British press.

- Malcolm, Herne Hill London

We lived in South Africa for nearly 30 years and love the country but returned to the UK when our eldest son narrowly escaped being murdered for his motor car. Having been back in the UK now for nearly 10 years we feel our lives are just as much at risk here. Sad to say the whole world has become a very violent place.

- Maeve Hopkins, Wales

That’s South Africa for you. It only gets worse, will it ever get better? No not with the government we have there. A shame though, hence alot of South Africans come to the UK for safety.

- Anite, Herts - Ex South African

Having experience over many years of life in south africa, I find it so saddening that those who help and respect black Africans are so often caught up in the terrible climate of killings - usually for money and goods, but sometimes just for revenge.

- Barbara, London, UK

This is just another senseless murder to add to our appalling crime statistics, and our government tells us that crime isn’t out of control!

- Eddie Keys, Johannesburg, South Africa

One is past being surprised that “men” invade white homes in rainbow-land and take their murderous, their rapine revenge ... along with whatever useless gewgaws they can steal.  One is past being surprised because far outside SA, despite the liberal Establishment’s best obfuscatory efforts, we too have had to grow accustomed to black violence.  The constant drip-feed of murder reports has taught us to be shrewd judges of the mental weakness and fatal aggressivity that mark the black gang killer, the wildly violent burglar, the knife-frenzied mugger.  Even when racial details of the killers are left mysteriously vague we are very rarely wrong.

In broader terms, the post-Empire generations of Englishmen have been forced to re-learn what their fathers knew well.  It is the same lesson that the Boers of Apartheid knew well, and that the men of the old Confederacy knew well.  The wilful, utopian forgetting of it has cost countless white lives.  But these are our dead, and they are too precious, it seems to me, to be remembered on only one day a year.

Just a personal word of “thanks” to all the vectorists out there

Posted by James Bowery on Saturday, 27 January 2007 20:59.

Although a write-up as recently as January 7, 2007 on enterobacter cloacae indicates that:

Although community-acquired infections are occasionally observed, nosocomial infections are, by far, the most frequent.

the (hiking/biking enthusiast and quite healthy) best friend of my fiancé called last night to express her regrets that she couldn’t help with preparations and may be unable to attend our upcoming wedding due to the fact that she may have to be hospitalized with a community acquired multi-drug resistant strain of enterobacter cloacae.  No she hasn’t been in the hospital, nor in any medical facility, nor is she in contact with any medical personnel, so this notnosocomial”.

I wish I could convey my “thanks” to all the vectorists more personally but this blog entry must do…. for now…

PS: The most likely source of the bacteria was a California poultry farm.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Neil Oliver: The Re-Set has already happened' on Tue, 17 Jan 2023 14:26. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Neil Oliver: The Re-Set has already happened' on Tue, 17 Jan 2023 13:30. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Neil Oliver: The Re-Set has already happened' on Mon, 16 Jan 2023 14:51. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Neil Oliver: The Re-Set has already happened' on Mon, 16 Jan 2023 11:11. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Neil Oliver: The Re-Set has already happened' on Mon, 16 Jan 2023 02:37. (View)

Racially aggravated public indecency commented in entry 'Elite contests and contradictions: Part 1' on Mon, 16 Jan 2023 02:06. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Neil Oliver: The Re-Set has already happened' on Mon, 16 Jan 2023 01:17. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Neil Oliver: The Re-Set has already happened' on Mon, 16 Jan 2023 01:02. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Neil Oliver: The Re-Set has already happened' on Mon, 16 Jan 2023 00:05. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Neil Oliver: The Re-Set has already happened' on Sun, 15 Jan 2023 18:53. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Militia Money' on Sun, 15 Jan 2023 17:05. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Neil Oliver: The Re-Set has already happened' on Sun, 15 Jan 2023 13:14. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Neil Oliver: The Re-Set has already happened' on Sat, 14 Jan 2023 19:59. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'On faith and gods' on Sat, 14 Jan 2023 06:10. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'On faith and gods' on Sat, 14 Jan 2023 04:41. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Hat-tip to Woes' on Sat, 14 Jan 2023 03:31. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Neil Oliver: The Re-Set has already happened' on Sat, 14 Jan 2023 02:24. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'On faith and gods' on Fri, 13 Jan 2023 23:59. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'On faith and gods' on Fri, 13 Jan 2023 23:53. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'On faith and gods' on Fri, 13 Jan 2023 23:42. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'On faith and gods' on Fri, 13 Jan 2023 22:40. (View)

Timothy Murray commented in entry 'On faith and gods' on Fri, 13 Jan 2023 22:09. (View)

Timothy Murray commented in entry 'On faith and gods' on Fri, 13 Jan 2023 22:06. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'On faith and gods' on Thu, 12 Jan 2023 23:16. (View)

Timothy Murray commented in entry 'Hat-tip to Woes' on Thu, 12 Jan 2023 16:05. (View)

Timothy Murray commented in entry 'Is the Ukrainian Army about to enter Melitopol?' on Thu, 12 Jan 2023 16:00. (View)

Timothy Murray commented in entry 'Is the Ukrainian Army about to enter Melitopol?' on Thu, 12 Jan 2023 15:59. (View)

Timothy Murray commented in entry 'On faith and gods' on Thu, 12 Jan 2023 15:17. (View)

Timothy Murray commented in entry 'On faith and gods' on Thu, 12 Jan 2023 15:15. (View)

Timothy Murray commented in entry 'On faith and gods' on Thu, 12 Jan 2023 14:56. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Is the Ukrainian Army about to enter Melitopol?' on Tue, 10 Jan 2023 06:32. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Is the Ukrainian Army about to enter Melitopol?' on Tue, 10 Jan 2023 06:12. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'On faith and gods' on Tue, 10 Jan 2023 05:51. (View)

Timothy Murray commented in entry 'On faith and gods' on Mon, 09 Jan 2023 21:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'On faith and gods' on Mon, 09 Jan 2023 05:32. (View)

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